Ancestors of Elwira BOGER
/-Peter BOGER
/-Christoph BOGER
| \-Anna Maria Christina DEUTSCH
/-Richard BOGER
| \-Christina SCHMIDT
Elwira BOGER
- Father: Jacob BOGER
- Mother: SOLOMINE
- Birth: 27 JUN 1919, Hoisington, Barton County, Kansas, USA
- Residence: 1925
- Residence: 1930
- Residence: 1935
- Residence: 1 APR 1940
- Residence: 1993
- Residence: (Date and Place unknown)
- Residence: (Date and Place unknown)
- Death: 7 JUL 2014, Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, USA
- Burial: Great Bend, Barton County, Kansas, USA
Ancestors of Emanuel BOGER
/-Georg Adam BOGER
/-Gottfried BOGER
| \-Regina SEMKE
/-Jacob BOGER
| | /-Johannes HEPTING
| \-Louise HEPTING
| \-Susanna d. Friedrich SEMKE
Emanuel BOGER
| /- RADKE
\-Christina RADKE
Descendants of Emanuel BOGER
1 Emanuel BOGER
=Frances Fern BOGER
Ancestors of Emanuel BOGER
/-Georg BOGER
/-Michael BOGER
| \-Regina d. Christian
/-Alexander BOGER
| | /-Georg Andreas LECHNER
| \-Katharina
Emanuel BOGER
| /-Michael KIEBE
\-Emilia KIEBE
\-Christina Wilhelmina SEMKE
Ancestors of Emilie BOGER
/-Jakob Friedrich BOGER
/-Johann Phillipp BOGER
| | /-Martin HERZKE
| \-Christine HERZGE
| \-Katharina REULE
Emilie BOGER
- Father: Abraham BOGER
- Mother: Lydia RADKE
- Birth: 4 DEC 1904, Hoisington, Barton, Kansas, United States
- Residence: 1920
- Residence: 1925
- Residence: 1930
- Death: 16 AUG 1961, Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas, United States
Ancestors of Emily BOGER
/-Abraham BOGER
| /-August RADKE
| /-Johannes 'John' RADKE
| | \-Christina ZAISER
\-Lydia RADKE
\-Christina Katherine ZIEMANN
- Father: Abraham BOGER
- Mother: Lydia RADKE
- Birth: 26 JAN 1908, Hoisington, Barton, Kansas, United States
- Residence: 1910
- Residence: 1920
- Residence: 1925
- Residence: 1930
- Residence: 1935
- Residence: 1 APR 1940
- Residence: 1940
- Residence: 1979
- Residence: (Date and Place unknown)
- Civil: Alabama
- Death: 17 SEP 2010, Fairhope, Alabama, USA
- Death: 22 SEP 2010, Mobile, Alabama, United States
Ancestors of Emma BOGER
/-Abraham BOGER
| /-August RADKE
| /-Johannes 'John' RADKE
| | \-Christina ZAISER
\-Lydia RADKE
\-Christina Katherine ZIEMANN
Descendants of Emma BOGER
1 Emma BOGER
Ancestors of Emma BOGER
/-Peter BOGER
/-Jonathan d. Peter BOGER
| \-Anna Maria Christina DEUTSCH
/-Peter BOGER
| \-Antonette SCHMUNK
\-Elisabeth DEUTSCH
- Father: Theodor BOGER
- Mother: Dorothea Laura HENING
- Birth: 17 APR 1937, Dodge City, Ford, Kansas, USA
- Residence: 1 APR 1940
- Residence: 1962
- Death: 29 OCT 1976, Charlottesville, Albemarle, Virginia, USA
Ancestors of Ermadell Lila BOGER
/-Isaak BOGER
/-Johannes BOGER
| \-Wilhelmina HEPTING
/-Theodor BOGER
| | /-Johann GONZEL
| \-Elisabeth GONZEL
Ermadell Lila BOGER
\-Dorothea Laura HENING
Descendants of Ermadell Lila BOGER
1 Ermadell Lila BOGER
=William Oliver BURKE Marriage: 29 JUN 1956, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Ancestors of Ewengi BOGER
/-Johann BOGER
/-Reinhold BOGER
| \-Beate
Ewengi BOGER
Ancestors of Ferdinand Gottlob BOGER
/-Hanß Martin BOGER
/-Zacharias BOGER
| \-Dorothea MULL
/-Johann Friedrich BOGER
| | /-Conrad HERRMAN
| \-Maria Barbara HERMANN
| \-Anna Katharina STOECKLIN
Ferdinand Gottlob BOGER
\-Katharina Elisabetha SCHEIBLE
- Birth: 4 AUG 1924, Hoisington, Barton County, Kansas, USA
- Residence: (Date and Place unknown)
- Residence: (Date and Place unknown)
- Death: 14 OCT 2015, Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, USA
- Burial: Great Bend, Barton County, Kansas, USA
Descendants of Frances Fern BOGER
1 Frances Fern BOGER
=Emanuel BOGER
- Father: John BOGER
- Mother: Amalie EHRLICH
- Birth: 26 JAN 1917, Kansas
- Residence: 1925
- Residence: 1930
- Residence: 1935
- Residence: 1 APR 1940
- Military Service: 3 DEC 1941
- Residence: 1986
- Death: 1 JUN 1994, Great Bend, Barton, Kansas, United States
- Burial: Great Bend, Barton, Kansas, United States of America
Ancestors of Fredrick BOGER
/-Georg Adam BOGER
/-Gottfried BOGER
| \-Regina SEMKE
/-John BOGER
| | /-Johannes HEPTING
| \-Louise HEPTING
| \-Susanna d. Friedrich SEMKE
Fredrick BOGER
\-Amalie EHRLICH
Descendants of Fredrick BOGER
1 Fredrick BOGER
=Marvel Irene DOONAN
Ancestors of Frida BOGER
/-Peter BOGER
/-Christoph BOGER
| \-Anna Maria Christina DEUTSCH
/-Peter BOGER
| \-Christina SCHMIDT
\-Augusta ADAM
Ancestors of Friedericke BOGER
/-Hans Georg BOGER
/-Johann (Hans) Georg BOGER
| \-Anna Catharina HAAS
/-Johannes BOGER
| \-Christina N.N
Friedericke BOGER
Ancestors of Friedericke Louise BOGER
/-Hanß Martin BOGER
/-Zacharias BOGER
| \-Dorothea MULL
/-Martin BOGER
Friedericke Louise BOGER
\-Eva Christina GRIMM
- Father: Johann Friedrich BOGER
- Mother: Katharina Elisabetha SCHEIBLE
- Birth: 19 APR 1832, Lomersheim, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- Baptism: 30 APR 1832, Lomersheim, Württemberg, Germany
- Death: 10 MAY 1832, Lomersheim, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- Burial: 12 MAY 1832, Lomersheim, Württemberg, Deutschland
Ancestors of Friederike Wilhelmine BOGER
/-Hanß Martin BOGER
/-Zacharias BOGER
| \-Dorothea MULL
/-Johann Friedrich BOGER
| | /-Conrad HERRMAN
| \-Maria Barbara HERMANN
| \-Anna Katharina STOECKLIN
Friederike Wilhelmine BOGER
\-Katharina Elisabetha SCHEIBLE
Descendants of Friederike Wilhelmine BOGER
1 Friederike Wilhelmine BOGER
=Johann Gottlob BÖGER
2 Rosalie Emilie BÖGER
Ancestors of Friedrich BOGER
/-George Adam d. Johann Christoff BOGER
/-Christoph Adam BOGER
| \-Katharina Martin Michael MARTINST
/-Michael BOGER
| | /-Hans Georg BELSNER
| \-Charlotte Georg Charlotta BELSNER
| \-Anna d. David N.N
Friedrich BOGER
\-Elisabeth d. Friedrich FRICK
Ancestors of Friedrich BOGER
/-Hans Georg BOGER
/-Matthias BOGER
| \-Anna Catharina HAAS
/-Augustinas BOGER
| \-Maria Katharina STROLZENTALER
| \-Elisabeth SCHUSTER
Friedrich BOGER
Descendants of Friedrich BOGER
1 Friedrich BOGER
=Elisabeth KENNE
2 Christina d. Friedrich BOGER
2 Katherina BOGER
2 Regina BOGER
2 Louisa BOGER
3 Theresa SCHIEBE
2 Magdalena BOGER
=Johan WERLE
Ancestors of Friedrich BOGER
/-Benjamin BOGER
/-Friedrich BOGER
| \-Katharina d. Georg BELSNER
/-Andreas BOGER
| | /-Andreas DREHER
| \-Christina d. Andreas DREHER
| \-Sabina d. Jakob DREHER
Friedrich BOGER
| /-Johann LEMMER
\-Susanna-Wilhelmina WEGNER
Descendants of Friedrich BOGER
1 Friedrich BOGER
=Antonia DREHER
2 Anna BOGER
2 Katharina BOGER
- Father: Abraham BOGER
- Mother: Regina
- Birth: 29 JAN 1884, Michaelstal/Woronzowka
- Death: 1932, Tschetschenien
Ancestors of Friedrich BOGER
/-Christoph Adam BOGER
/-Michael BOGER
| \-Charlotte Georg Charlotta BELSNER
/-Abraham BOGER
| \-Elisabeth d. Friedrich FRICK
Friedrich BOGER
Descendants of Friedrich BOGER
1 Friedrich BOGER
=Christina SCHMIDT